Telepsych Services
With an increasing trend in social media and call/video sharing, we are integrating these methods as part of our services offered here at Discovery Counseling Services LLC to keep up with the new trends in the industry.
Discovery Counseling Services LLC has incorporated a HIPPA Compliant platform in order to maintain our client(s) confidentiality and privacy. However, Discovery Counseling Services LLC cannot guarantee client(s) confidentiality and privacy and will not be liable, if the client(s) is not located in a secluded and optimal privacy setting. Discovery Counseling Services LLC will always encourage and highly recommend office services over Telepsych services to ensure and guarantee client(s) confidentiality and privacy.
This call/video sharing platform is Powered by and allows both, clients and clinical staff members, to meet virtually anywhere; such as the convenience of your living space, favorite safe spot, or even your vehicle, as long as each participating party has a strong WiFi, Internet, or Mobile Service connection. When prompted, the platform will ask to have access to your camera and microphone, simply agree to share and you will be ready for your session with your Clinical Staff member.
We have conveniently placed each portal to the Clinical Staff members below, so when it is your scheduled appointment date and time, access DCS LLC website on your preferred device, go to the Services page, scroll down and follow these simple steps:
Press the profile picture of the Clinical Staff member that your scheduled to meet below in Staff Portals.
Add Client(s) name to the [Enter Your Name Here] Field.
Press Check In and patiently wait for your Clinical Staff member in the Virtual Waiting Room to welcome you into your session.
It's as simple as 1, 2, 3!
Staff Portals
Megan Williams
Lauren Timney
Lauren Cimino

We strive to provide quality care while maintaining affordable coverage and being a low-cost clinic.
If you have any questions about any of our services, please contact us for further information.